Sunday, October 5, 2008

Here are some comments about computing which I also subscribe to. Especially I would like people to read about the beauty of computing science. I know, I know I should have named my blog as "Computing Science at Indore" but not too many people know the distinction and it is more difficult to explain. I took the easy way out.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

A view on Data Security Practices (in India and the world)

It seems that people from less developed countries Brazil, China and India have a disregard for the security settings of company laptops. Further still the practices of file sharing on work computers, checking personal email, downloading media files like music and videos all from the work place puts them into a high risk category.

However I would like to say that the company that allows these practices is also to blame. A good network security administrator can easily block many things. So it is really more about organizational culture and practices. Brazil and China seem to head the list of bad practices but there is a mention of Indians too. Read more from the story.

computing science resources for teachers

My experience with computer science teachers in Indore is that I found that they spend too little time on-line. There may be many reasons for that, like a very packed teaching schedule where a teacher like a factory worker is maximizing production for the factory (college), lack of internet access. Well what ever, at least they should have the inclination to find out good links and share it with their colleagues and students. Setting a good example here is one thing which I found really excellent: thoughts of Alfred Thompson. Although I do not support the Windows and Microsoft exclusivity to the software mentioned there, his general selection of issues is very good.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Linux Indore 2008

Yet another mega linux event at Indore on 30th Sept. 2008. But sadly and very sadly I had to be away at Bhopal for really very very important work. I hope people can visit the LinuxIndore website and see what went on for themselves. Great job Prabhat and Co.